Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome to the Long Beach Public Library Kids Blog!

Welcome to the Long Beach Public Library Kids Blog!

Hello, and welcome to this new blog for kids and families at the Long Beach Public Library! I am a children's librarian at Main and will be happy to share with you many things about our library with this blog. We hope that children and families visit the blog often to see what is happening for kids at the library in this ongoing format. Yay!

First, to our customer parents and caregivers - we want to tell you about the storytimes and activities happening at the Main Library, located at 101 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90822.
We have Toddler Time on Thursdays at 10:45 a.m. Please come out and have fun with our group, ages 3 months to 3 years. We have stories, songs, puppets, toys, puzzles, and games to introduce toddlers and their caregivers to the library.
On Friday, we have Pre-School Storytime at 10:45 a.m. for ages 3-5 years. The librarian gives a wonderful storytime which promotes reading readiness, reading for pleasure, and library use. She includes interactive stories, flannelboard fun, songs, and fingerplays which encourage familiarity with letters and numbers, vocabulary, word play skills, attention span skills and listening skills. A craft takes place after preschool storytime.
These storytimes are a great way for kids to interact with a librarian, with their parents, and especially with other children their own age.

Come to the Main Library on Saturdays at 11 a.m. for an hour of Movies and Storytelling with the children's librarian - for all ages. Every other Saturday in the afternoon, a bookworm buddy reads to our young patrons at 2:00 p.m.