Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What is the FLC?

FLC stands for the Family Learning Center, which we have at all Long Beach Public Library Locations. Check out a description at http://www.lbpl.org/kids/learning_centers/default.asp The FLC, according to homework helper Jonathan Chhiv, "offers a place for students to come and do their homework. They have access to various types of resources - books, Internet, encyclopedias - and also direct one-on-one help from the homework helpers." In addition, parents are welcome to use the FLC to do job searches or get resume help. During the school year, the hours of the FLC at Main Library are:
Mondays 1pm-6pm
Tuesdays 1pm-8pm
Wednesdays 1pm-6pm
Thursdays 1pm-8pm
Fridays 1pm-5pm
Saturdays 10am-5pm
Sundays 12noon-5pm

Stop by during these times for extra help on a homework assignment. As homework helper Jackie Lopez reports, "The FLC is the doorway to knowledge and it's up to you, if you want to come in and explore the infinite possibilities."