During the course of a busy day, have you ever wished for more time to share books with your child, or for more ways to involve your child in a reading activity while you are busy at another task? Tumble Book Library offers many ways to accomplish both these goals. Tumble Book Library consists of hundreds of interactive stories for children of all ages plus exciting games and activities to go with the stories. So next time cooking dinner can't wait & neither can your child, go to Tumble Books, select an interesting story and enjoy having someone else read to both of you.
You can find the tumblebook library on our database page at http://www.lbpl.org/ and then click on databases, then A-Z list, and then scroll down to TumblebookLibrary. Or you can just find the tumblebook library on the database list at http://www.lbpl.org/databases/a___z_list.asp.
Have fun and enjoy the tumblebook library!