And the title is Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Journey to Promote Peace...One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson. The same version for middle school kids is called, Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Journey to Change the World, One Child at a Time. And the children's book is called Listen to the Wind: The Story of Dr. Greg and Three Cups of Tea. These books can be found at our Long Beach Public Library; just click on the link under each book.
A link to the website for Three Cups of Tea is as follows: http://www.threecupsoftea.com/
And a link to the full schedule of events from March 6 through March 14 is at the following: http://www.lbplfoundation.org/programs_lbrob.html.
In addition, El Dorado Branch Library is offering the following programs for kids in tune with Three Cups of Tea:
Kites for Kids, March 10, 4:00 pm. Listen to kite stories and make your own kite. Sign up with the librarian. El Dorado Neighborhood Library, 2900 Studebaker Rd., Long Beach. 562 570-3136
Tea for Twenty (or more), March 11, 4:00 pm. Dress up or wear a fancy hat and listen to stories about tea parties. Iced tea will be served. Sign up with the librarian. El Dorado Neighborhood Library, 2900 Studebaker Rd., Long Beach. 562 570-3136.
Tea for Twenty (or more), March 11, 4:00 pm. Dress up or wear a fancy hat and listen to stories about tea parties. Iced tea will be served. Sign up with the librarian. El Dorado Neighborhood Library, 2900 Studebaker Rd., Long Beach. 562 570-3136.